Python | Matlab | |
Downloads | June 2022 Dyna 4.08 Projects 4.08 Tables 4.09 beta on git | January 2021 Dyna 3.19 (includes sources, tables and example projects) |
tested with | Python 3.9.13 PyQt5 == 5.15.6 matplotlib == 3.5.2 numpy == 1.22.4 scipy == 1.8.1 | Matlab R2018 |
main differences between Python and Matlab codes | + scriptable + several fitting algorithms (no genetic algorithm yet) – no angular resolution yet | – not scriptable – no transmissivity + several fitting algorithms (inc. genetic algorithm but requires the Optimization Toolbox) + angular resolution + Kerr effect calculations |
in development stage | + Kerr and Faraday effects, in reflectivity and transmittivity + angular resolution + energy resolution |
Python code is under development. Matlab code is occasionally developed.
Get a python beta version on Gitlab !
Directory Structure
(1) In Dyna’s directory there should be three directories :
(2) dyna is run from the Src directory.
In matlab :
> dyna
Python – Mac OS install (intel or M1 chips)
(1) Python 3 is installed using brew
brew install python@
(2) Create a virtual environment with :
python3 -m venv dyna-env
A virtual environment is a good idea to keep dyna in its own environment and avoiding conflicting libraries installed by other python programs.
(3) Activate the new python environment :
source dyna-env/bin/activate
Now you are in a isolated dedicated python environment (your terminal prompt might show ‘(dyna-env)’).
(4) Install the required libraries by typing :
dyna-env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
The file ‘requirements.txt’ is in the Src directory. Note that if there is no compiled libraries for your platform, the pip program will compile it, which can take some time. It typically occurs for the PyQt5 library on the M1 chip from Apple, as of June 2022.
Windows and Anaconda
Dyna was installed on windows within the anaconda environment.
(1) Create a virtual environment :
conda create -n env_dyna python=3.8.8 conda activate env_dyna
(2) Install the required libraries, from the Src directory, where the ‘requirements.txt’ file is, type :
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note that there might be some errors related to path, changing / for // at some occurrences is a momentary solution.
Mac OS app
Request a Mac OS App. Mac OS App can be built as a stand-alone app. It comes with all the needed libraries. If your Mac complains that the app is from an unknown developer : use ctrl+double click to override your Mac security settings.
Matlab install
You need to buy Matlab.
Though not necessary, you can also buy the Optimization Toolbox also in order to use the Genetic algorithm.
Just run “Dyna” in the console window, from the SRC directory.
Dyna’s code is open, free (and soonly fully documented): do not hesitate to recycle !
Dyna’s code has been used in udkm1dsim at Max-Born-Institute in Berlin.
Dyna is on GitLab under the name DynaDevGroup !